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幼女白丝 周早晨:《甄嬛传》飘洋过海 重磅登陆北好意思市集 - 痴迷系列

幼女白丝 周早晨:《甄嬛传》飘洋过海 重磅登陆北好意思市集

发布日期:2024-09-28 13:56    点击次数:66


周早晨:《甄嬛传》飘洋过海 重磅登陆北好意思市集


There was a palpable dull thud of disappointment that accompanied the return of the imperial entourage of Zhen Huan to her homeland.甄嬛以及繁密小主的回来却让东说念主显豁地感到一阵阵的失望。

It followed a couple years of hushed excitement as Chinese fans were fed tidbits about their proud concubine who was supposed to conquer the high ground of the North American market.近一两年来,中国的《甄嬛传》的粉丝时往往地了解到他们引以为傲的小主要占领北好意思电视剧高地,并暗喜不已。

Zhen Huan is, of course, the title character ofThe Legend of Zhen Huan, a 2011 television series that swept China off its feet and later took other Asian countries by storm.甄嬛是电视剧《甄嬛传》的主角——这部2011年的电视剧风靡中国,之后又席卷亚洲其他国度。

Two years ago, it was reported that HBO, a premium cable service headquartered in the United States, was going to air it in North America after some modification.两年前,有报说念称,好意思国纽约的付费有线电视网HBO将会在北好意思播放裁剪版《甄嬛传》。目下,《甄嬛传》的精简版在Netflix网站在线播出。该版仅配有英笔墨幕,莫得英语配音。

Now, a condensed version that provides English subtitles but no dubbing has finally been made available on Netflix for online streaming.目下,《甄嬛传》的精简版在Netflix网站在线播出。该版仅配有英笔墨幕,莫得英语配音。

This version, highly anticipated as a milestone in China's cultural foray overseas, has been widely panned by its home audience.这个精简版被视为中国文化进攻国外市集的一个里程碑备而受扎眼,但是却激勉中国不雅众的无为品评。


RetitledEmpresses in the Palace, the American version has been shortened from its original 76 episodes at 45 minutes each, to six 90-minute episodes. The quick pacing threw off many native viewers, who are accustomed to a more leisurely daytime-soap-style narrative rhythm. (Chinese TV stations would run two or three episodes every day.)好意思版《甄嬛传》从本来的76集,每集45分钟的长度精简为6集,每集90分钟,剧名改为Empresses in the Palace(意为《宫中后妃》)。每集过快的节拍令好意思国不雅众极度不悦,因为他们风气了愈加松驰的白昼肥皂剧式的报告节拍。(中国的电视台每天播2-3集)

I did not finish the full-length version and found the truncated one not difficult to follow. What's lost, I believe, are the interesting setups and pauses that illuminate the Chinese art of storytelling. Much of the plot is still there. It is the flavor that was sacrificed.我莫得看完齐全版,但是以为精简版也不难泄露。我认为精简版丢失的是一些兴味的情节竖立及停顿,这是中国叙事艺术的精华。大部分情节还是保留了,仅仅少了那种滋味。

The American edition uses the framework of the Empress Dowager in her senior years reminiscing at the beginning and the end of each episode, hinting at what's to come and recapping the key points. This device, not used in the original, is culturally understandable but artistically mediocre.好意思版在每一集的起首和闭幕皆选用甄嬛在晚年回忆的步地进行铺陈,暗意接下来的情节,抽象主要情节。原版并未接收这种叙事步地。精简版这么竖立在文化方面不错泄露,但艺术发达平平。

What puzzles me is the two new songs for the opening and end credits. They were written in English, but sung by Chinese with an uncomfortable accent. They were obviously designed to appeal to an English-speaking base, but do not jibe with the Chinese dialogue.最令我混沌的是新的片头和片尾曲。歌词是英文的,但却是由中国歌手以嗅觉怪怪的口音演唱的。赫然是念念用这两首歌来眩惑番邦东说念主,但却与汉文对白很不相符。

Speaking of the dialogue, the English translation, picked apart by some Chinese, is too literal for my taste. I can imagine a typical American hit by a flurry of royal ranks, addresses and greetings, even multiple names and titles for the same person. The first half hour must be a swamp to wade through, very much like my experience of getting through a Tolstoy tome with its endless inflections of names transliterated into lengthy Chinese.说到对白,在我看来,其英文翻译太过于直译化,更别提一些中国不雅众的品评了。我能念念象出一个平素好意思国东说念主会被宫庭等第搞晕了,如尊位等第、称谓、请安语以致消释个东说念主有多个名字和头衔。前半个小时必定是名字的稳妥梳理等第,就像是我阅读托尔斯泰的大部头巨作时,那些冗长的音译汉文名字常令我混沌。

I see the choice of verbatim translation as an effort for conveying exotica. It is fairly competent, with no error that I could detect, but fails to rise above words or capture the essence of the language.一字一句的翻译不错体现别国情调,这些翻译是相等尽职,并莫得错,但是却很难懂脱字句的管制,捕捉到说话的精华。

A cultural product usually crosses over to a foreign territory first by an emphasis on the commonalities. But whether inside or outside China, the temptation to sell it for the differences is just too great. Sure, the sumptuous sets and costumes are a big attraction, but the narrative technique has become-how shall I put it?-a bit anglicized, which is necessary for cultural export. Judging by the responses, this legend, which, contrary to the claim of the English trailer, is totally fictitious, has departed from China but not yet landed on American shores.一种文化家具跨洋过海来到别国外乡,时时最初要特等它的文化共性。可是,不管在国内还是国外,皆主要所以文化的个性为卖点。固然,豪华配景和服装皆具有很大的眩惑力,但在叙事技巧上略显英语化,这是文化家具出口的必要时代。从不雅众响应来看,这部剧齐备是凭空的,与好意思版预报片声称的不相符,因此,这部影片虽已从中国市集走出去,但是还未的确获取好意思国市集的接受。

(作家:周早晨 中国日报网英语点津 彭娜 裁剪)


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